In-Person Reiki Sessions
Check-in / Spiritual Coaching
The in-person Reiki session begins with a quick check-in on you, I will feel and quickly assess your energy level and state of being, we will spend some time exploring any emotional, energetic, and physical discomfort or intentions to address during the session.
Reiki healing / Channeling
Next, you will lay comfortably on the massage table, with your eyes closed, fully clothed, on your back for about 20-40 minutes for the Reiki treatment.
Light pressure is applied on parts of the body where Reiki is directed. You may feel heat, cold, surge of energy, emotions, see colors, see visions, experience bliss, dream-like state during the session.
Depending on the energy medicine that’s appropriate for the highest level of healing, you may receive information about your 7 main chakras, past life soul retrieval, messages from your spiritual guides.
Recap / Q&A
Once we are finished, I will check-in again and discuss what was felt and channeled messages that I have received from your higher self and/or higher spiritual guides. You will also be able to ask any clarifying questions.
Bonus - Personalized Energy Report
I will also email my channeled notes to you within a week of our in-person session.
NEW CLIENTS ONLY receive complementary notes, for follow-up sessions there will be a $50 surcharge for session notes.